Day: January 5, 2007

nyc subway guy gets his due


i just read this amazing story about a 50-year-old blue-collar NYC guy who saved a 20-year-old film student in NY’s subway lately. seems like Cameron Hollopeter was experiencing some kind of a seizure when he fell into the subway tracks just a few moments before a train was due to arrive. Fortunately for him, Wesley Autrey, a quick-thinking construction worker (guy in yelow jacket), jumped off from the platform and held the student down with him in one of the cracks as the train rumbled over them “with inches to spare”.

the rest (outpouring of praises, rewards and media attention), as they say, is history… 


again, wow. it must be the greatest feeling in the world to know that you saved another human being. no i’m not talking about the rewards (they’re just the icing really, and they have their downside too). i’m referring to that unmatched feeling of having done something worthwhile in your life — an unthinking act unvarnished by any motive — an unutterably pure moment that cannot be touched nor altered by anything that happened before and after the event. if all of us can be defined by such moments i’m sure the world would be a better place. NB (picture taken from NYT)

a glimpse of boracay

here are a few snaps of our trip to boracay a few months ago. i found a few of these pictures aimlessly lying around in my desk, so i guess it’s about time i put them up here. you know, just in case they get lost (through sheer neglect har-har-har) or something…

a cloudy day at the beach

we also found a few shops (catering to various tastes) but i really liked this one — it features an eclectic blend of beach knick-knacks and colorful souvenir items…


one downside of that little interlude was that the weather was mostly downcast the whole time we were there, so everytime the sun peeked out — out we went. the palm trees looked downright dazzling in the sunlight. also, this picture like looks a monochromatic postcard of some secluded beach (you can almost feel the wind rushing at your face) so i’m placing it here.


and for the tolkien enthusiast, there’s something to perk you up while you’re basing in the tropical sun: an LOTR-themed pub! i was surprised to see a spot of Middle-earth in this tropical setting, but something a bit out of place can’t be that bad when you’re outdoors…



pets, etc.

introducing…    MAX


maki:  i’m leaving for work. remember, no chewing. those slippers are new.

max:   ‘kayyy. umm how ’bout i try ’em on for size then

and here’s BORIS…                                                   


 the eyes have it!