Month: January 2007

news roundup

here’s an interesting TIME article article about the Stonehenge, possibly (one of) the planet’s most intriguing manmade structures (left basically intact) ever! the Stonehenge has been attracting thousands of tourists each year, and will no doubt continue to do so in the years to come. it’s one of the places that i’d definitely want to visit (fingers crossed), along with Machu Picchu in Peru.

there is also an interesting piece of news about the whole continent of Africa being slowly ripped apart due to geological activities. hmmm…

tiger wins again! 

tiger woods is still on a roll and he’s gathering steam, too. after stretching his PGA tour wins to 7 (the second longest winning streak in golf history) — following his triumph at the Buick Invitationals — tiger woods is set to defend his title at the Dubai Desert Classic this week in UAE.

max butts in

i was about to give my old trusty laptop a much-needed rest, when i heard hot panting breath behind me. well! who else could it be, but dear old max who hates being left out of the scene. after nosing out and scattering the items on my study table, he plopped his forelegs on my knees. i guess i have no choice…

and now, a word from max our resident canine wiseguy


max:   woof, woof… woof

a couple of ‘perk-you-up’ updates

finally! Acalypto is scheduled to appear in local theaters a week from now (*thunderclap*, followed by sound of *clashing cymbals*).

here’s hoping nothing will come up to delay this playdate (again). not that i expect to enjoy all of it (it’s a gory bloodfest, to say the least). i’ll probably be blinking through patches, but i sure am not gonna let that get in the way of enjoying this flick. truth is, i’ve been trying to convince a few adventurous souls here to watch the movie with me. as of last count — it’s still zero nyahahaha! scaredy cats!

which reminds me, the Temeraire series (3 books so far) is definitely going to be screenplayed by good ol’ Peter Jackson (LOTR, Heavenly Creatures). yayyy! i must admit this is one of the biggest reasons why i began searching for this series in local bookstores. as soon as i’ve read some excerpts of book 1 (His Majesty’s Dragon), i fell for it hook, line and sinker.

hmd.jpg  novik2.jpg  bpw.jpg

apparently the author herself (Naomi Novik) was tickled pink — make that ecstatic — when she heard that PJ had acquired the options to film all 3 books (UPDATE: book 4 is initally titled A Brazen Armament). here is Quint’s (one of my favorite critics over at AICN) interview with Ms. Novik regarding the upcoming project… 

uhm, for those who have read book 3 of this series (The Black Powder War), here is a tidbit from Ms Novik: a deleted scene from that volume…